Why aren’t architects and planners trained to understand the social context and impact of design?
Why aren’t architects and planners trained to understand the social context and impact of design?
“I’m delighted to report that we and others have been taking steps to rectify that and we can report on some progress!”
Covid-19 has served to highlight the role of local communities and people’s sense of belonging; yet also the divisions that exist between those living with or without adequate indoor and outdoor space, or adequate local amenities. So as talk increases of ‘building back better’, how are built environment professionals going to learn from and apply their knowledge of this lived experience. The reality is that however heartfelt these aspirations, we do not have the education tools to do so (quite apart from the policy ones…).
Even before the pandemic ftwork was all too aware of this challenge. In the drive to build 300,000 new homes a year, designers and planners can play an important part, but in order to achieve this professional training must acknowledge the social purpose of architecture. Future built environment professionals must learn to understand how places work, how people relate to their physical and social environment.
A year ago I wrote the following in a previous blog on this theme:
“The UK‘s architecture schools are credited with being among the best in the world, with the RIBA validating courses across the globe, yet student architects and planners are not taught about this. One of the competencies required to qualify as an architect is a demonstration of ‘the architect’s obligation to society’. Nowhere is this defined; and undergraduate and diploma courses do not include modules that consider the social role, context, or impact of architecture and design”.
Well that’s still true, but I’m delighted to report that we and others have been taking steps to rectify that and we can report on some progress!
It has become increasingly evident that students of architecture and young professionals understand the importance of their social role and are beginning to demand its inclusion in their training. They can see more keenly than many what is happening in the world around them.
Within the profession some practices already see their social purpose as a core driving principle, just as a number of design tutors combining teaching with practice are setting a very valuable example. But they’re in a minority. Meanwhile ftwork will continue to assert that it must become a requirement for all architecture and planning courses to include obligatory modules on the social purpose and responsibilities of design, within an accredited syllabus.