Tentropolis is a practicable proposal to use vacant high street premises as temporary, single-sex accommodation for the increasing number of London’s rough-sleepers, in partnership with a homeless charity.
– we identify companies with vacant high street premises (banks, post offices, pubs); and approach them to make properties available, fully serviced, for a fixed period
– a partner homeless charity (already approached and supportive) identifies local rough-sleepers for each of the premises, on a single-sex basis; and commits to running support and advice services
– single pop-up tents donated by Glastonbury (500 abandoned this year), to provide privacy
– a prefabricated, flexible ‘room’ as a recreational shared space, to create a sense of community
Tentropolis was a winning entry in New London Quarterly’s call for ‘40 Ideas for London’, drawn on a napkin, and appeared in Autumn 2019, in their celebratory 40th Issue. Currently a concept, ftwork is exploring its potential to become an active project and is happy to receive comments or expressions of interest.